Yesterday, Martin and I were delighted to join Herbert and 80 members of Kihembe community on a Skype call, to hear an update from community leaders about the progress of the secondary school project. Such is Herbert’s skill as a community mobiliser and facilitator, the meeting was attended by representatives and opinion leaders from each of the sixteen small villages that make up Kihembe.
(Community members in attendance at the meeting)
Also in attendance was the chief administrative officer for Kanungu District, District Councillors from Kanyantorogo sub-county and a number of local councillors. The fundamental purpose of the meeting was for Herbert and the Opportunity Africa team to update the wider community on the progress being made at the secondary school site, and also to request their support and guidance to take the project forward in the coming years. The local leaders and councillors all agreed that the school should start in early February and that they will support the school’s application for a licence from the Ministry of Education. Moreover, the group pledged their financial support for the school project, and promised to donate one million UGX (£225) to provide scholastic materials and books for the classrooms.
(Local leaders outside the secondary school building)
Yesterday’s meeting also marked the start of the recruitment and registration of students for the first school term. As of yesterday morning, 42 students were registered and the recruitment of teachers is also underway.
(The secondary school structure, Jan 23rd 2017)
It means so much to all of us at The Zuri Project that the first secondary school in Kihembe has received community wide support. Herbert and the team in Uganda have done such a wonderful job so far in managing the project and ensuring that all of the work is carried out to the highest possible standard. We’re hoping that the building work will be finished by the end of January, and that the school can open its doors to the community in the weeks to follow.
Thank you all again for your support.